
Andyoulethergo.Staringatthebottomofyourglass.Hopingonedayyou'llmakeadreamlast.Butdreamscomeslowandtheygosofast.Youseeherwhenyou ...,...Hopingonedayyou'llmakeadreamlast.Butdreamscomeslowandtheygosofast...youloveherwhenyoulethergo.Andyoulethergo.From.,Hopingonedayyou'llmakeadreamlast.Butdreamscomeslowandtheygosofast.Youseeherwhenyoucloseyoureyes.Maybeonedayyou'llunderstandwhy,Hopingonedayyou'llm...


And you let her go. Staring at the bottom of your glass. Hoping one day you'll make a dream last. But dreams come slow and they go so fast. You see her when you ...

Let Her Go

... Hoping one day you'll make a dream last. But dreams come slow and they go so fast ... you love her when you let her go. And you let her go. From.

Let Her Go 歌詞Within Temptation ※ ...

Hoping one day you'll make a dream last. But dreams come slow and they go so fast. You see her when you close your eyes. Maybe one day you'll understand why

Let Her Go(Passenger) 歌詞Little Love(春日小情歌) ※ ...

Hoping one day you'll make a dream last. But dreams come slow and they go so fast. You see her when you close your eyes. Maybe one day you'll understand why


2013年10月3日 — ... Let Her Go. 第一次聽這首歌前奏才剛下我就決定要翻 ... you love her when you let her go. 唯有等她 ... Hoping one day you'll make a dream last. 喃喃 ...

Passenger Let Her Go Lyrics

And u let her go. ... starring at the bottom of the glass, hoping one day you make a dream last, dreams come slow but it comes so fast, you see when u close your ...


Hoping one day you'll make a dream last · But dreams come slow and they go so fast · You see her when you close your eyes · Maybe one day you'll understand why